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What Difference Do It Make? - Stories of Hope and Healing
by Ron Hall, Denver Moore, and Lynn Vincent
Thomas Nelson
ISBN 978-0-8499-2019-6
Published September 2009 - Hardcover - 206 pages - $16.99
I remember how moved I was after reading Hall and Moore's first book, and I never dreamed there'd be a second one. This one recaps their stories and has the added attraction of stories from around the country about how their book nudged people to help others. These are touching anecdotes on how easy it is to be civil, thoughtful and kind to others, no matter their circumstances. It's the basic principle of applying The Golden Rule, for you never know what's in your future. Proof that the stories of how other people help others rang true for me as I sat at my City Hall selling my own book of my wildlife photographs to raise funds for wildlife and animal charities. I was reading this book while waiting for business to pick up, when I read how one person who received a copy of Hall and Moore's first book bought sixty-five hundred copies over nine months and handed them out for free. How generous! A friend of mine has bought thirty-some of my books and passes them out. I thought this was unusual but it's not. People love helping other people. It was very humbling for me just hearing about someone else buying copies and handing them out, and it brought a lump to my throat. I haven't yet sold even 100 copies of the 2,000 printrun of my book (see the banner link at the top of this page), but I'm taking one day at a time. Having read their new book, and cried away the lumps in my throat, I felt so much better about my own sad predicament.
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Here's the title for your next book, gentlemen: God Don't Pay Overtime. Straight from Mr. Moore.
Conclusion - Please read this book - it's good for the soul, as is their first book, Same Kind of Different As Me.
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