Create Your Own Tarot Cards - A Step-by-step Guide to Designing a Unique and Personalized Tarot Deck
by Theresa Reed and Adrianna Hawthorne
Walter Foster Publishing
ISBN 978-0-7603-7595-2
Published 2022 - Softcover - 128 pages (plus cards) - $22.99
I've always been fascinated by Tarot cards, so much so that I have a set and am trying to learn how to use them. I struggle to retain each card's meaning/message though. Seeing as though I mess about with paint and stuff, I have often thought I should make my own cards with details and clues as to their meanings that will resonate with me. Never, ever, in my wildest dreams did I ever expect there'd be a book published to help me do just that! Well, I guess it was in the cards that I do make my own. (Sorry about the pun!) Respected "Tarot lady" Theresa Reed supplies the information about Tarot—the 22 Major Arcana cards represent the "bigger picture, life lessons and our spiritual journey", and the Minor Arcana (56 cards) represent our "daily life and struggles and the people who are involved". Across two pages in this book you can see the most famous cards called the Rider-Waite Smith cards so you can see them all in one go. She goes into how the Minors are divided into suits, for example Wands: work, creativity, passion and the fire element. She also dispels many myths about the cards. Phew! She also explains how to use the cards and how best to ask your questions. Adrianne Hawthorne discusses the creating and painting of your cards with excellent advice, like choosing a theme for your cards. Hers is plants.&nsbp; I love the vibrancy of her colors, and there are explanations for the cards she uses in this book, and what they represent. However, I would have to have numbers on my cards plus more definitive representations of each suit until I actually know what I am doing. Don't discount your intuition is the overall message I got regarding Tarot card readings.
This book is beautifully illustrated and I know I am going to love using it, not only to learn about how to do readings, but I can also use the templates at the back of the book to make my own Tarot cards. All I need now is to get hold of a book by Theresa Reed so that I can get all the information on the other cards as not all cards are discussed here.
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