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The Obviousness of It All
A Guide to Common Sense

Develop Your Common Sense
to Make Better Life Decisions,
Ease the Burden of Cooking,
and Live a Better Life

This is my second book, and I hope that people will be able to get more than just one or two things from it.  I don't for a moment expect to change the world, but if a few people can change their lives for the better by using some of the advice I give, then that's a wonderful day.

The main reason I wrote this book is because it begged to be written.  I couldn't believe that so many people were so clueless.  Like the completely silly things they do without thinking of the consequences, i.e. getting themselves into credit card debt, littering, driving badly, yelling at their children in public (you shouldn't have to if you'd trained them at home), doing drugs (duh, a no-brainer), overeating, and so much more.

Perhaps there wasn't enough common sense taught at home (which is where it should be taught) or at school, or perhaps people just don't think for themselves anymore.  Whatever the reason, I got tired of seeing so many people making wrong choices (and life is all about choice, to a large degree), being wasteful, being inconsiderate, and intolerant, I decided to put my thoughts down on paper, and very soon, they expanded and became this book.
To me, having and using one's common sense seems so obvious, and I couldn't understand why so many people don't use theirs.

I believe that parents have a lot to answer for with regards to the behavior of their children - and that too many parents should not have become parents at all.

I believe we are lazy when it comes to feeding ourselves and our families - we shouldn't be, because we all have to eat to live.  It's that simple.  So why not eat properly in the first place and give yourself a fighting chance?

To help ease the burden of cooking, I've included a few of my easy-to-make recipes which you can make your own, in the hope that parents will make the effort to feed their children healthy and good food, and more people will make the effort to feed themselves properly.

Some of the other subjects I touch on include the environment, children, fashion, growing old, abusive relationships, money, and health among others.

My philosophy?  Everything in moderation.  Simple.
by Adrienne Petterson © 2007-2011

Readers' Comments
Common sense is something that people harvest from experience - it can't be taught in a classroom.  "The Obviousness Of It All: A Guide to Common Sense" hopes to impart those experiences as best it can to its readers, to help them refine and improve their common sense so they are more alert and can be better equipped to handle decisions when they come up in life.  "The Obviousness Of It All: A Guide to Common Sense" is a deftly written guide, highly recommended to anyone who has been accused of lacking common sense and taken it personally — and for community library self-help collections.
Carson's Bookshelf from
Mid West Book Review

I loved the smart recipes and the fun tone of the book.  Adorable, well written, and witty.
Stuart Brownstein, Colin Cowie Lifestyle

"A thump on the head" delivered with the keen wit and wisdom of Adrienne Petterson.  This is the wake-up call we all occasionally need — a reminder of what is important in life and that using basic common sense is the answer to all the complications we create for ourselves.  Her straightforward, no-nonsense style is easy to comprehend and makes for a very fine read.
Linda Thompson, Colorado

"A witty, humorous yet knowledgeable approach to acquiring common sense.  This should be a "must read" in every school system and parenting class.  It could be called The Bible to Intelligent Living.
Terry Birkenfeld, Colorado, who simply tries to practice common sense living.  Visit Terry's website.

Published 15 October 2007
ISBN 1-4241-7807-X

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