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It seems as though Peggy Lipton has been around for a long time, and she has, but she darts in and out of the limelight it's hard to know what she's up to. She's here, then she's gone, then she's back again, and then she vanishes. She has had an interesting and varied life which she lays out for us in this absorbing book. She tells about her early childhood and her uprbringing, her molestation which no doubt left severe scars, and her fame and infamy if you like, when she fell in love and married Quincy Jones. Although being a natural beauty one automatically thinks "they have it all" but very often that's completely untrue. She boldly divulges her secrets growing up, her stuttering, her sexual conquests (there were many) with married men (it was the 60's after all), her passionate "affair" with Paul McCartney, her disastrous relationship with an abusive alcoholic, her stint on the "Mod Squad", her shyness, and more affairs, of which Elvis was another. Having experienced so much, Ms. Lipton remains a respectful soul and doesn't dish all the dirt by dropping all the names. There are many she does mention but I bet many a raised and quivering eyebrow would be visible had she done so more openly. For some it takes much hitting of one's head against a brick wall - why don't we get it sooner? Peggy Lipton is no different and learned the hard way. Thanks for the short chapters - makes one's reading so much more pleasurable.
Breathing Out
by Peggy Lipton with David and Coco Dalton
St. Martin's Press
ISBN 0-312-32413-8
Published June 2005 - Hardcover - 310 pages - $24.95
Conclusion - An easy and very interesting read.
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