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A very easy-to-read guide to Lower Manhattan. I've strolled around this area many times and I now realize just how much I missed. It's a gorgeous place to walk around and sightsee and Hillary Davis' book has some great walking tours. She's included little details which one could easily miss plus some very interesting historical information on George Washington and Alexander Hamilton, to name just two. She's given us plenty to drool over in her restaurant recommendations too. Lower Manhattan is bigger than you think so having her walking tours will be a great help. I suggest you highlight the tours that interest you (or make your own notes separately), plot the route on a map, and off you go. Other information she has given us is on hotels, shopping outlets, museums, and churches in the area. A very handy book for locals and tourists to get the most out of their downtown Manhattan trip.
Follow Me! Guide to Lower Manhattan
by Hillary Davis
Follow Me! Guides
ISBN 0-9660181-6-8
Published March 2004 - Paperback - 303 pages - $18.95
Visit Hillary Davis at her website.
Conclusion - A great reference book for anyone wanting to squeeze as much as they can out of their travels.
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