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Face It - What Women Really Feel as Their Looks Change by Vivian Diller, Ph.D. with Jill Muir-Sukenick, Ph.D. Books in Review
by Adrienne Petterson © 2010      About Me

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Face It - What Women Really Feel as Their Looks Change
by Vivian Diller, Ph.D. with Jill Muir-Sukenick, Ph.D.
Hay House, Inc.
ISBN 978-1-4019-2540-6
Published February 2010 - Hardcover - 202 pages - $24.95

These two models-turned-doctors-turned authors, Vivian Diller and Jill Muir-Sukenick, say their book "is a psychological guide that provides a path out of this surprisingly difficult predicament".  They've developed a six-step program to help us "enjoy our appearance — at any age!"  We're taken through a series of examples of aging, testimonials from women about how they feel about getting old, the authors' points of view, and a lot of common sense we should have learned as children.  Looks aren't everything.  Don't be rude about the way others look.  Don't stare.  Take care of your skin and body.  The pressure in this country to be "perfect" (perfect shape physically, perfect make-up, perfectly white teeth, perfectly groomed, perfect hair, etc., etc., etc.) is crippling.  Who needs all that pressure?  There ain't no such thing as a perfect person.  Their six steps: Moving Toward the Inside (the first realization you're aging); Getting Underneath (identifying and removing our fears and to stop hiding behind masks); Opening Up (turn off that little voice inside your head); Going Back in Time (you are not your mother); Looking Back to Move Forward (recognizing the same fears you had as an adolesence about the changes you faced then and are facing now), and Moving Forward (self-explanatory).  The best part of this book, for me, is the appendix b - 12 Tips for Modern Women.
Op. Ed.  No woman truly wants to age, or for her age to show on her face.  For most of us, we have no option.  For some of us, money and a skilled plastic surgeon can help to a certain degree.  For the rest of us, what we eat, how little sun exposure we've had, how well we look after our complexions, and a dose of good genes might help.  All that and sagging skin and muscle and gray hair, deterioration of eyesight, weaking bones, etc., is what we have to expect and deal with.  It's how we are made.  It's how we were brought up to look at ourselves and others and to appreciate the elderly that counts in the long run.  That's why I abhor those tiny tot pageants so vehemently.  What on earth are those little girls going to be like at 25?  Personally, I feel we should stop listening to the cosmetic houses' blabber about their creams and potions that are the best.  They're just out to make money.  Period.  Find a decently priced moisturizer and use it regularly.  Stay out of the sun and hydrate your body.  It's that simple.  Oh, and don't smoke or drink to excess or take ourselves too seriously.  Find something beneficial to others to do with your time and eliminate vanity from your lives.  Remember: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Otherwise, how do you explain how the least attractive people are hooked up and happy?
Conclusion - I'm tempted to use the word psycho-babble, but there's a lot for the younger generation (and certain women) to learn and become aware of, so read on.

book cover

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