Books in Review
by Adrienne Petterson © 2006

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The Book of Etiquette
by Michael MacFarlane
Main Street
ISBN 1-4027-1303-7
Published April 2004 - Hardcover - 192 pages - $5.98

I was delighted to discover a book on etiquette - I am writing my own book on manners - as there sadly seems to be a lack of courtesy, respect, and good old-fashioned manners.  You only have to watch "The Nanny" on television to see they're not being taught at home much anymore.  This book covers an extensive range of topics such as Diplomacy, Chivalry, Manners at Home, Dining Out, Funeral Etiquette, Informal and Formal Entertaining, plus much more.  It also points out Manners and Customs in Other Countries - we've advanced to the 21st century after all - we should know how to behave in a respectful and dignified way when dealing with foreigners or when abroad.  Although the 21st century is more relaxed, there are still strict social and political customs that are practised.  The American flag do's and don'ts are discussed in detail too.  Respect the flag, respect others.  Simple.  If going abroad to somewhere where their customs are rigidly adhered to, do yourself a favor and read up a little before your departure.  The last thing you want is to be laughed at, or worse, be rude, disrespectful, or offensive.  Americans have a bad enough name overseas as it is.  In business, if you make a good impression, you'll likely be asked back, or at least favorably considered.  Many countries' customs are included in this book which is handy for those who are planning to travel.  There's also an extensive section on weddings.  When you meet someone for the first time, the well-mannered will usually win out and be memorable, unless they are complete twits to begin with.  Good manners in a man is very sexy (it's got to be natural and sincere, of course).  Personally, I don't care what dining utensils you use, I care more how they are used.  Nice little reference book and one day, who knows, you could be introducing a Governor or an Attorney General, and the correct way has been supplied here.  You never know!
Conclusion - You get further with good manners - an extremely useful and necessary book.

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