Books in Review
by Adrienne Petterson © 2004

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Dude, Where's My Country?
by Michael Moore
Warner Books
ISBN 0-446-53223-1
Published October 2003 - Hardcover - 251 pages - $24.95

A fascinating and eye-opening and a rather alarming book is this one.  If all he says (and he sites origins) is true, heaven help us.  I've not seen Michael Moore's other work nor have I seen his movie, all of which attract controversy.  I did catch his Oscar speech though.  What Moore does in this book is bring to the attention of the American people (and people around the world for that matter) that there is something not quite on the up and up in the Bush Administration.  All sorts of "evidence" come to light and he gives the reader pause for thought, serious thought.  Who knew there was so much back-scratching and business going on with the "enemy", right under our noses.  Moore raises important and thought-provoking issues which the American people would do well to consider before casting their vote this November.  I don't know enough about politics but his findings are enough to make me think carefully before uttering any opinion.
Conclusion - Very interesting and worth a read for both Republicans and Democrats.  In fact, for anyone, anywhere. BookBrowser

Review copy not supplied by publisher - library copy reviewed.


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