Books in Review
by Adrienne Petterson © 2004

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Sweet Caroline - Last Child of Camelot
by Christopher Andersen
Published by William Morrow
ISBN 0-06-621369-X
Published October 2003 - Hardcover - 334 pages

A remarkable story in itself is the story of Caroline Kennedy's life.  Riddled with tragedy and sadness, this is a really good read that encompasses all that was the Kennedys.  Andersen has written a well-rounded account of the lives of the former First Family.  His is an interesting look at a young Jacqueline Bouvier and Jack Kennedy and their early life together.  Their bringing (and losing) children into their lives, his assassination, her subsequent marriage to Onassis, and the very public growing up of Caroline and John.  Obviously Caroline features strongly but I felt equal time, if not more, was given to the story of Jackie and her fierce protection of her children.  I found this to be a believable book and it flowed along eloquently.  Initially I was a little skeptical as I thought it would be old news rehashed but I was pleasantly surprised.  Very interesting for anyone just learning about this branch of the Kennedy clan.
Conclusion - Very enlightening and I highly recommend it.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Review copy not supplied by publisher - library copy reviewed. BookBrowser

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