Books in Review
by Adrienne Petterson © 2005

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America's Southwest
by Marcella Colombo
White Star Publishers
ISBN 88-544-0092-0
Published September 2003 - Hardcover - 136 pages - $16.95

This White Star publication is on the historically famous Southwest region, combining the four states of Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona - also known as the Four Corners.  These areas were once home to the Anasazi, Navajo, and Apache peoples.  The land varies from the heights of the Rocky Mountains to the flat and arid plains of Arizona.  The gorgeous photographs in this book give us a spectacular glimpse into the natural beauty of the Southwest - a veritable treasure chest in terms of vistas and variation.  Red rocks in Arizona, cactus plants, mountain dwellings, petroglyphs, artifacts, the Grand Canyon and National Parks are all covered in this book.  There is an historical commentary about the tribes, discoverers, battles, and mining activities.  The artwork (paintings and drawings) illustrate the history at the time and include old black and white photos of pioneers, their families, and their wagons.  Personally, I can't get over the beauty of this part of the world through which I've both driven and taken the train.  A delightful pictorial of the history of this fabulous area, especially for those not able to get to these parts of America.
Conclusion - Interesting reading and beautifully illustrated.


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