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Ageless - The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones
by Suzanne Somers
Crown Publishers
ISBN 0-307-23724-9
Published October 2006 - Hardcover - 431 pages - $25.00

Ms. Somers truly believes in her work, especially the not aging part.  I read her "The Sexy Years" book which is where I first read about bioidentical hormones, and she looks incredible for her age (61 this year) and is living proof that if you're dedicated enough, you can help yourself age gracefully and slowly.  In his foreword to this book, Dr. Michael Galitzer, M.D. (Ms. Somers' doctor and friend) says, "Bioidentical estrogen and progesterone are bioengineered from natural plant products and contain the exact same chemical structure [bioidential] as natural female sex hormones.  They do not mimic female hormones, but instead augment a women's natural hormone production."  (Brackets are mine.)  Ms. Somers has seen and spoken to many doctors who've made it their business to treat the cause, not the symptoms.  By replicating our hormonal balance, we change the way our brains work about the aging process, we build our immune system to fight all sorts of invaders, and we become stronger than we may have been at the same advanced age.  I enjoy the way Suzanne explains things, and got a lot from her section on perimenopause.  It makes so much sense.  There are many interviews with doctors on HRT, stress, men, breast cancer, and so much more.  I try to be active, stressless, watch what I eat, do things I love, etc., but can't find a job so I am stressed out, don't have health insurance so doctors visits are out, suffer from depression, don't have a car to take myself to greener pastures, and am on the menopause border - so with all this it's just not possible for me to seek out a doctor who specializes in bioidentical hormones or even an endocrinologist.  This is a struggle for me, so I and many others, can only take one day at a time.  Visit Suzanne Somers' website for more information.
Conclusion - I haven't finished the book but am finding it fascinating and very helpful.

book cover

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