15-Minute Watercolor Masterpieces - Create Frame-worthy Art in Just a Few Simple Steps
by Anna Koliadych
Page Street Publishing
ISBN 978-1-62414-880-4
Published 2019 - Softcover - 208 pages - $21.99
What a lovely feel this book has to it. I love the texture of the pretty cover. Now, if you're wanting to try your hand at watercolor painting but are clueless, I suggest you give this book a try. It won't bog you down with a long laundry list of instructions, just the basics to get you started. Anna Koliadych does briefly explain color therapy (very helpful) and I thought her tip on page 11 (Exercise) is extremely helpful in getting to know the colors you use. Her 15-minute projects won't overwhelm you but will at least get you going, and there are 50 of them to choose from! They include flowers, sky, landscapes, leaves, animals, and a girl (page 194) among others. Each project has the supplies you'll need, the suggested colors, and usually color mixing options. I love the Garden Bird and Cute and Colorful Bird section, which I'm going to try. I also love the Poppy and the aforementioned girl.
I detest waste, so should I make a mess, I'll save the messes (I know there'll be a few) to use as collage papers. You won't need a ton of supplies as for all the projects you can get by with a no.3 and no.8 round brushes! Do read the Tips and Advice chapter.
Visit Anna's website at www.dearannart.com for online classes and her newsletter and tutorials.
E-mail: pettprojects@yahoo.com
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